【博士招生】德国CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security张阳博士招收博士研究生

Dr. Yang Zhang at CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security is looking for multiple Ph.D. students working on machine learning privacy.

Dr. Yang Zhang’s research concentrates on privacy in modern society. Topics include machine learning privacy, biomedical privacy, social network privacy, and location privacy. Yang obtained his Ph.D. from University of Luxembourg on November 2016. He then worked as a postdoc in Michael Backes’s group at CISPA since January 2017. From January 2019, he will be a research group leader establishing his own group at CISPA. More information about Yang can be found at his website (https://yangzhangalmo.github.io/).

CISPA is located at Saarbruecken, Germany. It is the newest member of the Helmholtz Association, the largest scientific organization in Germany fully committed to scientific excellence. CISPA as Helmholtz’s first investment in computer science is one of the top research centers in information security, it is constantly ranked top-3 in the field worldwide, see (http://csrankings.org/#/index?sec&world).

● A master degree in Computer Science, Information Security, Mathematics with excellent grades (bachelor students can apply through Saarbruecken Graduate School of Computer Science, please contact Yang for more information)
● Excellent English
● Excellent programming skills
● Good knowledge about machine learning

What we offer:
● Full-time working contract (E13 level salary), the contract can start at any time of the year
● Excellent research environment
● Strong supervision
● World-class collaborations

To apply, please send your
● CV
● Transcripts
to yang.zhang@cispa.saarland before March 1st, 2019.

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